Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving and a new home

This week, as opposed to others as of late has been rather eventful.  We found out that one of the other apartments in out building has black mold and a mushroom growing off of the wall... yes a MUSHROOM!!  needles to say, we want to move.  We spent a few days looking for a new place and finally found one.  We call it our greatest Black Friday deal.  2 bedrooms, washer and dryer, covered parking, a landlord that has chickens which means we get eggs, she also owns a horse, oh and it comes with a microwave... Allison is happy.  the only downside is the distance, but I think I'm going to love being able to ride my bike more and more often.  I just need to fix it up a bit.  Oh and did we mention 2 (two) bedrooms?

We were also able to spend Thanksgiving with my sister and her family up in Salt Lake. It was great, but my nephew was sick , and now Allison isn't feeling great at all. I am okay-ish. We didn't really get much shopping in, but maybe we'll try our hand at Cyber Monday this year.

Monday, November 19, 2012


This past week hasn’t been too terribly eventful. I registered for my first masters classes on Tuesday and then bought my books. I’m so happy to be furthering my education. I never felt like a BA was enough for me, so knowing that I’ll get an MLIS makes me really happy. I have the best job in the world and I want to be the very best librarian I can be.

Ezra and I donated blood Friday morning and then saw Breaking Dawn part 2 in the afternoon. I’m not a huge Twilight fan, but I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I think this was one of the rare cases where I prefer the movie over the book.

I’ve been making some major progress with my NaNoWriMo. Last night my word count passed 31k. I’m excited to be over half way done, but I know that my novel will need some serious revisions. At the moment, I’m just writing to get words and ideas on the page, regardless of how ridiculous it is. A part of me hates the novel right now just because it is so rough, but I know that if I take the time to really rework it I might just end up being proud of it. Maybe.

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I want to take a moment to share something I’m extremely thankful for. Ezra (stop now if you want to avoid gag inducing mushiness). He is my very best friend, and his support and encouragement has meant more to me than anything else. Ezra has always loved me for who I am, flaws and all. While we’re always trying to improve ourselves, he never judges me or makes me feel bad for my shortcomings. Instead, he encourages me and supports my efforts to be better.
 Before I ran my marathon, there were times that I didn’t want to get up and go running in the mornings. He would ask me how important that day’s training was. It was always important, and so with that reminder I would get up and hit the road or the treadmill. He got up with me at 3am on race day and helped me get ready and gave me a kiss as I headed out the door. I texted him at every mile marker to let him know where I was, how I was doing, and he would text back words of encouragement. It was something I really needed once I hit mile 20 and felt miserable. Then, when I finally ran past the library Ezra was there on the street corner cheering me on. Without his love and support, I never would have completed the Utah Valley Marathon on June 9, 2012.
Ezra took this photo on race morning. He was exhausted, but nevertheless supportive.

Right around here our texts went something like this- Allison: "Dying" Ezra: "Keep it up, you get a fabulous massage tonight"

Because of my husband's support, I managed to run a MARATHON!
I’m thankful that Ezra and I can be goofy together, serious together, that we can sit on the couch in silence and simply and make faces at each other. I’m thankful that we agree on the important things in life and that the things we don’t agree on are so small and trivial I can’t even think of one right now. I’m thankful that, because he listens to me so well, he seems to know me better than I know myself at times. I’m thankful that he always looks on the bright side, that he remains optimistic even when I start to freak out. I’m thankful that he can keep calm and be reasonable when I know I would be freaking out (such as that time he talked a woman out of giving me a parking ticket when we were geocaching).

In short, I’m thankful for my amazing husband, Ezra Smith, the most wonderful man that I’ve ever met. I love him with all my heart and am so grateful we get to spend eternity together.

Mushiness over.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


This past week a few interesting things have happened to us.  The first was the Provo Library had me make a backdrop for a few display cases on the second floor.  It was fun to work on and I will be working on another in a little bit for December too.  The other thing that happened was SNOW!!! And like typical Utah fashion we got about 8 inches in one day, and then it stopped and we probably wont get anymore til Thanksgiving.
Allison has been typing up a storm since the first.  Working on a story for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Where as I have been drawing more and more lately.  Both are good, except that I let her see my work, she wont let me read any of her book.  But I do understand, I don't exactly like it when people peer over my shoulder when I am drawing.  Next week I might show off my head and all my bald glory.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween!

The last week has been a pretty fun one for us. On Monday we made Spudnuts and we still have a few in the freezer that we get into on occasion. I had a friend stop by to drop off a book while we were making them so Ezra and I got to share with her.

Running from the Silence.
My Pumpkin head.
On Halloween we had a huge bowl full of candy for trick-or-treaters but we only had one person knock on our door. I was so disappointed, yet so grateful for that one person. I wish I’d given the little zombie girl more candy. So we’ve been working on getting rid of that. Ezra was a Ninja Turtle at work, and I was on the run from the Silence in the library (Doctor Who thing if you’re confused). In the evening Ezra was a pumpkin head. We played Bookopoly again to keep my mind off of the lack of trick-or-treaters, which worked. By the time we finished I knew there would be no one knocking on our door so we turned off the porch light.

In other news, Ezra finally sold his snowboard! A few years ago he got it from a roommate who was getting rid of stuff and he’s never used it. I finally convinced him to put it on Craig’s List so it wouldn’t take up space in our house. It finally happened. He sold it Thursday evening so we went out to lunch on Friday to Tucano’s! New favorite restaurant? I think so. Alas it’s a little on the spendy side so we only go if we have coupons.

That’s all that’s really been happening in our lives. Not sure if next week will be any more exciting. We’re looking forward to the election being over so that we’re not bombarded with politics everywhere we go. Of course, I’m sure people are going to be angry either way so hopefully that dies down soon too. I guess we’ll see what happens.