Monday, January 28, 2013

First Car Problem Ever

As boring as last week was, this week made up for it, so it’s a long post, sorry. First, I have never, EVER had a major issue with my car. I got it in November 2005 and it was already about two years old. It’s always run great and aside from regular maintenance I’ve never had to take it in to get it looked at. That changed this week.

Tuesday: When we left the house everything was great with the car. I dropped Ezra off on campus and I drove over to the library. When I parked at the library I pulled my parking break, as I do every time I park, and it wouldn’t lock into place. So I texted Matt, (my brother and the best mechanic I know) and Ezra to let them know what was up.

Wednesday: I called the dealership where I take my car for routine maintenance and made an appointment to get it looked at. They told me it would probably take half a day so I made the appointment for 9am the following day.

Thursday: Hello freezing rain! Thankfully I have a covered parking spot so the doors weren’t frozen shut. Ezra and I headed into town about 2.5 hours earlier than usual so that I could take my car to the dealership. We didn’t have any issues with the freezing rain until we made it to the dealership parking lot and I lost traction for a second. No damage done. They took my car into the shop and we sat down and started doing homework. Fifteen minutes later the guy comes out and says I need a new parking assembly. The nearest one is in Michigan. It would cost $450 not including tax or labor to install it. Great.

I texted Matt a lot more and asked him what he thought. At his suggestion, I didn’t order the part through the dealership and am looking into independent mechanics this week. I have an appointment to get my car seen again tomorrow (Jan 29th) so hopefully this guy (who had great ratings on Google and was recommended to me by a friend) will have something a bit more positive to say. I’m hoping for something like, “oh it’s just this small part and I can have that fixed right away.” I’d like the grand total to be under $200, but I think that might be wishful thinking. We’ll see.

Friday: First thing in the morning we went to donate blood. I love giving blood! Ezra didn’t have any problems but my iron was too low. Oh well, maybe next time. After that we went up to Salt Lake to meet a guy that bought something of Ezra’s on eBay. We met at the Salt Lake Public Library (first time I’d ever been there, it’s so huge!) and then once that was taken care of we visited Ezra’s mom and sister’s family who also live up there. We left around 5:30-6pm before the fog got really bad. I heard that by around 9pm it became so thick you couldn’t see the car in front of you.

The smog and light fog really darkened the sun in Salt Lake by 5:10pm.
Saturday: Work as usual. After work we went to a taping of the first episode of season 2 for Studio C! It was so much fun! I even got a t-shirt (which I’m wearing right now)! Definitely something we’ll try to sign up for again.

Sunday: A pretty normal Sunday. One exciting thing happened: I finally got my sewing machine out and started playing with it! I had some major frustrations for a little while with thread getting stuck in my bobbin case but Ezra fixed it for me. He’s amazing like that. :-) Maybe this week I’ll find some time to start working on my first sewing project, an apron.
My wonderful sewing machine!
The pattern I'm using for my first project. I'm doing the apron on the left.
So that was our week! Next week will hopefully be back to boring. The only major appointment we have is for me to get my car looked at.
After such a crazy and stressful week, here's some cuteness.

And some more cuteness. I feel better already.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Great Purge

This week seemed to go by in a blur.  Not much excitement happened around here that we can remember.  We are on the 6th season of Boy Meets World now waiting for the new series to start.

I started to make the purge of my childhood. It has been a long time coming and I am now at a point in my life where I can arise from the dust (of my childhood), and be men (man, I'm only one after all .  My mom moved over Christmas time and it gave me a chance to go home and get the remainder of my stuff, now I am slowly working at selling it on eBay and through other sources.  It is nice to have it all under one roof for the time being, but a bit in the way....  Ok, lets face it, a huge burden to our living space.  As I sort through it, it tends to get strewn across the floor and tables, and couch... But on the plus side we were able to get the lovesac situated in a manner most befitting for the face of Boe.

I was able to finally take my bike out this past week too.  It was cold and I couldn't feel my toes for most of Friday, but it was worth it to feel the freedom of personal transportation again.

Allison sat at a desk really really board for upwards of 6 hours on Saturday helping with the Family Literacy Symposium at the Provo Library.  Shannon Hale was the guest speaker.

Allison pointed out last week that I'm not one to curl up with a book, that is mostly true, I don't do it very often, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.  I just feel that when I'm in a long book that takes many hours to read, I could be using my time differently, like drawing or building something.  But I do get lost in art books frequently.

Allison starts up her real classes later this week and I am still working on mine. I will be stating to post more of my art on my art blog soon so go check that out too...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Really Darn Cold

The temperature around here has stayed around… really cold (-2F out right now, and the high today is 8F). We got some weather alerts on our phones about a storm that was coming in on Thursday. Well, we didn’t get out of work until 9pm and it had already snowed a bit. The roads weren’t too bad but when I tried to pull onto our road my car lost traction and I was stuck. Ezra got out and gave me a push until I managed to get far enough out of the snow to regain traction and make it up our road. Friday we didn’t have to go anywhere, thank goodness. So we stayed home and enjoyed watching the snow fall while being warm inside. Saturday when we left for work I lost traction briefly pulling off our road and onto the highway, but that was the only time and it didn’t cause any problems.

Saturday after work we attended our first ever Staff Book Club. We’re going to be reading Round House by Louise Erdrich. It won the National Book Award this past year so I look forward to digging into it. I promised Ezra that as I read it I would read it out loud to him since he’s not one for sitting down and curling up with a book. This way we can get through it together and both talk about it at our next book club meeting.

I finished my first online grad school class Friday! I think it’s funny that one week after having access to the class I’m done. Okay, so I’m not officially done. There is one assignment where I have to attend a collaboration session and all the sessions last week were already full, so the soonest I could attend was today. My session is tonight at 5pm MST. Once I attend that I’ll be able to finish the assignment and then I’ll really and truly be done with Libr203. I look forward to starting my other two classes next week when they become available.

Well, that’s all the news from our neck of the woods. Hopefully next week will be a little more exciting.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Crazy week, but back home

We got back home to Utah to a ton of snow.  Our car was half frozen shut in the airport parking lot.  It was a good thing that we didn't need to fill up the gas tank since that was on the side that froze over.  We went back up to Salt Lake two more times throughout the week.  Once to help my (Ezra's) mom move into her new place, the next for Edward's (Ezra's nephew) birthday party.  It was fun and it is good to be back in the swing of things.

School starts back up for both Allison and myself.  It is an exciting time and stressful too.  We live farther away from BYU and the Provo Library now. I feel sometimes trapt with all the snow and distance.  It takes longer and is more difficult biking in these conditions (not to mention the deadening cold morning wind on your face as you ride a bike hurrying into work before the sun comes up.... eek, yeah, we've been driving lately).  This is just the beginning of snow though, maybe I should get some studded bike tires...  and a face mask.

We are, on the plus side, halfway out of the dark.
Icicles hanging from our house.

The poor plants have become encased in ice.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 Christmas Letter

We've been meaning to write a blog post, but things have been a little crazy since we made it home from the Northwest. So, to make up for it, here is a copy of our Christmas letter. Enjoy!

2012 has been a rather productive year for the Smith family. Here are a few of the highlights.

Allison became a reference librarian at the Provo Library in January and is absolutely in love with her new position. She rarely asks for time off but on Saturday, June 9th she took a day off to run the Utah Valley Marathon. She trained hard throughout the year and it was tough, but she finished in less than six hours and received her finisher’s medal. She can finally mark “run a marathon” off her bucket list. In August Allison decided she wanted to further her education and become the best librarian she could by receiving her Masters in Library and Information Science (MLIS). She applied to San Jose State University and was accepted. She will begin classes in January 2013. Finally, in November, Allison decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). The goal was to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. She did it! Allison can now claim to be a novelist, even though it’s unpublished and may never see the light of day. That’s just one more thing she can mark off her bucket list.

Ezra went to California for a week in March with the Illustration department from BYU. They visited animation studios, video game studios, some fine artist personal studios, grad schools, and museums. He has a stronger drive to work in the animation industry but also continues dabbling in electronics and mobile app development. Having always been a little ADD when it comes to hobbies, he has had difficulties in choosing a major and sticking with it while in college.

We took our anniversary trip in August to visit Allison’s family, then toured various places in Oregon such as McDowell Creek Park, Enchanted Forest, the Oregon Coast Aquarium, Yaquina Head Lighthouse, and the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Then we traveled up to Washington, went zip lining, and saw Ezra’s family. It was a fun vacation and we look forward to planning next year’s.

To end the year, WE’VE MOVED! It was sudden but necessary because of some unfortunate circumstances with our home at [Address not available online]. Our new address is:

[Address not available online.].

We call it our best Black Friday deal because that’s the day we found it. We were finally able to start moving in on December 8th and are actually still in the process. We’ll officially be out of our old place on the 19th. This was definitely a move we needed to make and our new home is wonderful in all the ways our old place was lacking. Though the actual process of moving hasn’t been very fun, we really like our new home and it fits our needs well. Hopefully we’ll be staying here for quite a while.

We hope this letter finds you well and wish you a wonderful holiday season.

Best wishes,
Ezra and Allison Smith