Allison's Twitter Feed

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Finals and new classes

I am in the middle of finals and Allison has just started a new class. We've been busy this past couple weeks, but we have still found time to play and work extra hours.  Last week we had the amazing experience to be able to attend one of my good friend's marriage in the Provo Temple, we missed the reception for work, but had a great time and a huge breakfast before the marriage.  We also saw some old friends that we miss dearly. ...and pupusas, can't forget the pupusas.

My Digital Illustration class is having a small art show on the 5th floor of the HFAC on BYU campus.  It is all fairy tale based set to a modern or futuristic twist.  I chose Red Ridding Hood... what is the modern equivalent? Hoodies of course, and colorful skinny jeans.  Her Grandmother is sick in the hospital and she is visiting.

There are still a few things I would like to change to it, but we needed to get the show up... I'll post on my blog later this week the finished version.

As we have said before, on Sunday we teach Primary class at church to the 4 year olds.  I get to show off my chalk-art skills each week.  This is a horse... I drew it... 2 minutes, no reference.... 
Not bad for not having drawn a horse in awhile. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lovin' the Garden!

Look who was slow on getting the blog post up this week!

Last week was a nice and slow. On Memorial Day we went to the Rec Center and worked out for a while, went grocery shopping, and then came home.
We saw this when leaving the rec center. Made me happy.

Ezra worked on cleaning and selling some of his old toys on eBay, and I read. Later in the evening I ended up making a soufflé which turned out… okay. Clearly I need some practice. It tasted great! But it collapsed spectacularly. I’ll try again in the future. Really, I just wanted to call myself “soufflé girl.” (If you get that reference, you win.)
My Hot Chocolate Soufflés!
The rest of the week was pretty low key and nothing very exciting happened. We registered for the Freedom Run 5k on July 4th. As city employees, we got a pretty amazing discount that I couldn’t pass up. This will be my first race since my marathon a year ago and my second race ever. I’m excited and am easing back in to running pretty quickly.

My garden looks amazing! The peas are shooting up and blooming, my spinach is ready to eat, I just got a cherry tomato plant in the ground this week as well as 5 squash plants (my mom is probably amazed because she knows how much I love squash). Really, I just wanted a spaghetti squash plant but when I went to get one they were out, except for a variety pack. They ended up selling me the variety pack for the price the single spaghetti squash would have been. So now I have not only spaghetti squash, but also two pink banana squash, honey bear squash, and summer squash. I think I’m going to have to learn to cook squash in a way I like.

Pink Banana Squash! One on each end of the bench.

Honey Bear Squash

Summer Squash

Spaghetti Squash!

Some of my peas.

My lovely little cherry tomato plant.


That’s it for this week!