So I've been doing a photo-a-day project on facebook, and I thought I'd post the photos that I have so far, along with their captions for those who aren't on facebook. I know a lot of the pictures are kind of grainy, I've just been using the camera on my phone since that's the camera most readily available.
1 January 2012
This is on display in the HFAC. It was part of Ezra's final project in
his illustration class. It's a big honor to have your piece chosen to go
on display, and his was!
When Ezra showed it to his class someone commented that it reminded him
of the move Mr. and Mrs. Smith... Ezra informed him that "Smith" was
in fact our name. |
2 January 2012
We've been cleaning up the living room and trying to find places for
all of our books. I've been asking Ezra repeatedly if we could use the
fireplace, and today he said we could. So, we lit a fire! We have lots
of old decrepit books that would be going to the dump, so we decided to
use some of them as kindling (phone books work great!). |
3 January 2012
Two new book cases!!! We needed them so bad. Finally our floor isn't covered with piles of books. :-) |
4 January 2012
Tried a new recipe tonight for dinner. It was an orange chicken type thing. We had salad with salsa on the side. It was good, the two didn't really go together, but it was food, and we got our serving of veggies. :-) |
5 January 2012
Roasting marshmallows by the fire. :-) |
6 January 2012
We had some random boards that we wanted to use as firewood... we couldn't break them, so we tried a lot of different methods of cutting them. We never made it through and it took Ezra forever to get even this far. |
7 January 2012
Kinda dark, but this is a regular occurrence right before bed, Ezra's doing stuff on his phone as our kids (the stuffed animals) wait to be put away for the night. |
8 January 2012
We don't have a table in our house, let alone a desk. This is Ezra's work space, the living room floor. Ezra likes to spread out, but he's good about getting it all put away before bed. :-) |
9 January 2012
We have a crazy neighbor that always gets angry about where I put my garbage can. Here is proof that I am NOT in his driveway, or even in his way. My car is blocked, not his. He says he's going to report me to the city. I called the city and they said this is fine. |
10 January 2012
Ezra likes ninjas... we have a stuffed ninja Mickey Mouse. Ezra thought it would be funny to give him a sword. Ninja Mickey protects us from crazy neighbors by guarding our window. |
11 January 2012
I always win the dinner battle, but sometimes there are casualties... like my poor wooden spoon that is now chipped. Sad day! |
12 January 2012
I walked into the kitchen and saw Ezra standing on the counter... he was trying to figure out perspectives for a drawing he wanted to do.
13 January 2012
Since our lives really are kind of boring, I thought I'd introduce you to some members of our family. Today, I'd like you to meet Thelonious, or Thelo for short. I had a roommate that named all of her plants, and when I got Thelo I sort of picked up the habit. He's the first plant I got while in Utah. |
14 January 2012
Meet Bat! He's one of our aloe vera plants. Ezra named him. Bat had some arms that curved around the side of his pot that Ezra though made it look like bat wings. |
15 January 2012
This is our second aloe vera plant, Owl! I felt like since Ezra gave the other the name Bat, I wanted this one to have a similar, night creature name, so I call her Owl. |
16 January 2012
Hello Peter Parker! He's our first spider plant, and Ezra thought he should be called Peter Parker since he's a spider. |
17 January 2012
This is the newest addition to our plant family, Doc Ock. He's still just a baby, but Peter Parker had a start growing from him so I decided to put it in water and grow another spider plant (I love them so). I thought another Spiderman character would be a fitting name, so He's our little Doc Ock. |
18 January 2012
So The Woman in Black came in for me. A group of us in circulation have a little book club and this was the next book we wanted to read, since the movie is coming out (and the movie has Daniel Radcliff). I'm excited to have a scary book to read. I don't typically choose something like this for myself.
Update: 26 January 2012 Good book! I finished reading it today. Chilling, thrilling, and just some good scariness. Nothing graphic or violent, just creepy make you want to look behind you and hide under the covers. |
19 January 2012
I was really missing gardening so I made a little container garden on one of my book selves. I don't know how the plants will do, but my fingers are crossed! |
20 January 2012
So I went on a long run today, and about half way through the miles I was supposed to be doing I gave up because I was hurting like crazy. I knew my shoes were getting bad, but it took me a while to concede. I got off the treadmill and walked over to 26.2 and bought myself a new pair of running shoes. Here they are! |
21 January 2012
Cringe! Okay, I know it's gross, but I didn't have a better picture for today. This is one of the many reasons I needed new running shoes. Right between my big toe and the smaller toe, the callouses had built up a lot. Great, lots of padding, right? Well, it's fine until your feet dry out and the callous splits... right down to the really soft tissue. It's been hurting so bad! I can hardly walk and when I do it's with a limp. I've been using liquid bandaid in the crack to try to encourage it to heal. Fingers crossed! |
22 January 2012
On Sunday's I love to take time and cook something fun. Banana bread has been my favorite recently. So I thought today I'd get a picture of my collection of cookbooks, dilapidated discards from the library and otherwise. |
23 January 2012
My plants are already sprouting! I've got some peas and flowers that have popped out of their dirt. |
24 January 2012
I had to clean out my locker in circulation. I found this in the pile of papers I pulled out. It was from Halloween, when circulation became "Library High." |
25 January 2012
First day as a reference librarian! Really my badge and name tag hasn't changed, but I was just so excited to be moved over to reference! Really though, I do miss circ. I like knowing what I'm doing and at the moment, I don't all the time. But I suppose that's how it is with any new job. |
26 January 2012
I fear you may get lots of plant updates for my photos. I love my little babies, they make me so happy! Anyway, the plants that have already sprouted are thriving, and some dill started sprouting overnight!
27 January 2012
Ezra doesn't yet know that I grabbed another one of his drawings to post... hehehe. Anyway, he was setting this one up because he wanted to draw our feet with us in our wedding clothes. So we were sitting on the couch, he set up his camera on a timer, and I was bored. I got out my kindle and was reading a book while all of this was going on, ha ha. He liked the picture so much that he drew the whole thing. :-)
28 January 2012
Ezra's first experience painting. He's having a lot of fun making a mess in the living room. It's supposed to be me, walking up our steps after working out.
29 January 2012
Not man on wire, but bunny on glasses! Hopson was walking around Ezra's head. |
Wow!! I love this idea and I want to do it!!! This is so cool.